Past Projects
Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust
The Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT), established in 1988, operates with the aim of promoting environmental conservation and sustainable development for the benefit of Jamaica and its people. They assume responsibility for the conservation and management of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park.
The University of the West Indies – Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory – Queen Conch Induced Spawning by Density Manipulation
The University of the West Indies (UWI) owns and manages the largest field research facility, the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory (DBML), under the directorship of the Center for Marine Sciences (CMS). Since its establishment in 1968, the lab has remained committed to supporting research in the biology and geography of coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems.
Natural History Museum of Jamaica (NHMJ), Institute of Jamaica
The goal of the project was to control the invasive species Dicranopteris pectinata and restore the disturbed land by replacing Dicranopteris pectinata with plant species native to the Mason River Protected Area, Game Sanctuary and Ramsar Site.
CaribShare Biogas
CaribShare Biogas (CSB) is a social enterprise focused on harnessing organic waste from Caribbean hotels, livestock farms and sugar cane processors to produce biogas (a type of biofuel) and fertilizer for sale in a manner that strengthens rural livelihoods. To achieve this, the organization has been working towards developing, operating, and maintaining centralized biodigesters specifically to supply biogas on a sustained basis for multi energy purposes.
Alligator Head Foundation
he Alligator Head Foundation (AHF) focuses on Science, Art and Community–a collaborative approach to protecting fish stocks, restoring habitats, and regenerating local economies. Their team identifies and delivers innovative solutions to strengthen national, regional and global policy for ecosystem resilience and adaptation to climate change. This is pursued through a community driven commitment to working towards fish-filled seas, abundant reefs and thriving communities.